Put Bootleg Betty On Your Menu

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Bootleg Betty —

The Mixtress You Never Knew You Always Wanted

Looking for ways to make your bar service more efficient, consistent, and profitable? Relax. Betty’s got you covered.
Your Right Hand Gal

Wasting hours sourcing and pressing fresh produce for your cocktails and mocktails? Let Bootleg Betty do the hard work for you & your team.

A Well-Oiled Machine

Having these magic bottles on hand will not only speed up your service, but also completely innovate your cocktail menu. Keeping your guests & bartendrs happy.

Consistency is Key

No more worrying about recipe tampering. No more guests sending back an “off” drink. Betty’s batches are perfection, every single time.

No Muss, No Fuss

Think of all the training, prep, ordering, and storage issues you won’t have to deal with when all the sourcing and processing of ingredients is done for you?

A Spark of Imagination

Poured straight from the heart.

About Bootleg Betty

Think your bar and Betty might make a badass pair ? Let her pour you a drink.

Contact us for distribution information near you.